Can't Connect To GoZyncHosted
If you get an error that looks like this
"You have an internet connection but we can't connect to GoZyncHosted"Â
It may be caused by not having an SSL Certificate on your server. You can test this by connecting directly to the server from your device. Navigate to GoZyncHosted using Hosts on your iPad or iPhone. You should use the exact same URL or IP address that you are using in the External File Reference between GoZyncMobile and GoZycnHosted.
Once you reach GoZyncHosted, you should get a dialog warning you that connection is not secure. It will ask you if you want to proceed, and it will give you an option to always allow a connection to this host. Once you "allow" that error will go away of that is the problem.
You can either do that on all of your devices or even better install an SSL certificate on the server.