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What do you mean that GoZync is "Scriptable"?

We mean that you can get inside the sync and change the way it works--just as you'd change your own FileMaker scripts. This lets you create a sync that matches your workflow.

Built Solely in FileMaker Pro

When we say "scriptable" we mean it: all the work of GoZync is done in FileMaker scripts. There are no plugins or webcode to worry about. GoZync is not a black box, and using its built inĀ  logs you can look inside, see what it's doing, and change it. (Searching the scripts for strings you find in the logs is one of the great ways to find the precise script where GoZync is doing something: for example, building your found set to sync.)

Call Different Sync Actions as You Need Them

You can tell GoZync what to do: sometimes you may want to sync just one record. Or you may want to push new orders up to your hosted system *without* pulling downĀ  allĀ the new product prices. And as a developer you can decide how much of this flexibility to give to your mobile users.

Flexibility like this suits theĀ  urgencyĀ of mobile work. (For more, seeĀ "Modular Sync and the Urgency of Mobile Work".)

And you get this flexibility without having to dig deeply into scripts: GoZync has a series of simple API scripts whose parameters tell it what kind of sync you'd like to perform. Learn more about theseĀ  Zync It scripts.

Decide Which Records to Sync

GoZync syncs found sets, so if you can build a find request script in FileMaker, you can constrain the sync to match your workflow, syncing just "my" records, or "my active records", etc. Learn more aboutĀ  downloading found sets.

Only push changes to records that meet your criteria

Just like you script the pulling of records down from your host/server, you canĀ  decide which records to push up to your hosted files. This option lets you only sync records your mobile users have "finished" instead of all the records they've simply modified.

Build workflow with custom field mapping

Finally, you can tag records, write to your own logs, or mark records asĀ  checked out usingĀ Custom Field Mapping as easily as you set fields in your own scripts.