Main Integration
Before you add GoZync to your solution, we recommend you play with our sample files and do at least one real "Zync" of data before you get to work. If at all possible, do this on your iPad/iPhone and FileMaker Server/Host so you can see how this will work when you're done. This will also ensure you can see your server / host from your mobile device: something you'll want to know before you needlessly rip into some scripts wondering what's wrong.
Not that we've ever done that. =)
Step by step instructions for uploading and playing with the sample files can be found here Getting Started.
Need Help?
Our products are designed so you can integrate them into your own FileMaker solutions yourself following the instructions in our online documentation, and our team is happy to provide any guidance you need at no additional charge. So please don't hesitate to reach out if you get stuck--we can likely get your integration unstuck with a quick phone call or email.
Alternatively, our trained and certified developers can do your integration for you from start to finish. Just pick up our minimum three-hour implementation package ($600) and send us your file (more complex integrations may require more time).
We can also help you build custom features in any FileMaker solution that involves one or more of our products, including customized deployments of SeedCode Complete. For these types of projects that involve custom-built features, please get in touch to discuss the details so we can give you an estimate of the cost and timeline.
Organizing your files.
While you'll eventually put your hosted files on your host or server – and the mobile files on your iPad, iPhone, or laptop – you can do the integration either all on your server, all on your desktop, or with some files served and some local.
There are only a few things that have to be true about your setup:
• Your mobile file has to be "next to" (in the same folder as) GoZyncMobile.
• Your hosted file needs to be "next to" (in the same folder as) GoZyncHosted.
• You can rename some of the files if you need to.
To get started with the integration, place the files where you want to work with them and open them all. You'll need the two GoZync files open and have both your hosted and mobile file open.
If you don't have a mobile file yet, take a minute to make a copy of your hosted file and rename it to something like "MyFileMobile"; that will be your new mobile file. You can refine it later, removing scripts, tables, and layouts that your mobile users don't need.
Date Formats
If you're outside the United States you may want to make a clone of GoZyncMobile and use that cloned file for your integration. This will reset the date formats in the file and it only take a moment: why this is necessary and how to do it are quickly explained here:Â date formats.
One-Page Integration Guide
Depending on your FileMaker experience and development style, you may prefer this one-page integration guide instead of the longer version below. You can also watch this 23-minute movie of a basic GoZync 5 integration to follow along with the tutorial.
Field and Layout Names.
As part of this integration you'll be pointing GoZync at some layouts in your solution, and creating some new layouts in the GoZyncMobile file and in your hosted file. Here are a couple of things to keep in mind, and possibly to change before you go any further:
FileMaker can't tell the difference between a layout and a layout folder. So if you want to sync a layout of yours called "Contacts" and it's in a layout folder called "Contacts," things will break. Please change your folder name to something like "Contacts Folder" before you get started.
And while FileMaker will let you have more than one layout with the same name, GoZync won't, so rename any duplicate layout names you have that may be Zynced.
File Names
While you can rename the GoZync files, be sure to read our renaming instructions FIRST. And in all that follows, be sure that you don't delete or rename External Data Source references in GoZync, instead modify the file paths for the data sources to reflect you new file names.
Getting to Work
Backup your files and get started
1. Back Up Your Files.
If you're doing all this on the server, download one of your server's backups and verify that you can open it without issue. If you're working locally, save a compacted copy of all the files you'll be working with, zip them, and tuck that under your pillow.
Step 1 of 4: Wiring up the Relationships in GoZyncMobile.
You may be syncing lots of tables, and lots of different kinds of records, but you'll configure them one at a time. Choose the first table you'd like to work with and let's get started linking it to GoZync here:Â Step 1 of 4.
You'll likely want to take that table all the way to the finish line and see it sync before wiring up additional tables: subsequent tables are much faster to hook up as all the copying and pasting of scripts will be done for this first table.
Step 2 of 4: Adding a "Sync Layout" for Each Table Occurrence
Next you'll create the layouts which tell GoZync which of your fields to sync. Step 2 of 4.
Step 3 of 4: Pasting in the Required Fields and Scripts
You'll have to add a couple of things to your files:Â Step 3 of 4.
Step 4 of 4: Teaching GoZync About your Relationships
Connect your table occurrences to GoZync: Step 4. (Or course, you may not have related tables – they're not supported in the free version, for instance, or you may have a flat file.)
Wrapping Up
You've finished integrating one layout, what's next?
Just a few more things to check out before you can test your sync....
Field mapping. If your host and mobile tables have different field names, you'll want to edit the custom field mapping script in GoZyncMobile.
Other tables. You may have other layouts and table occurrences you want to sync. You can set those up now, but it might be nice to see a sync run before you dive back into these integration instructions for a new table.
Zync options. Before you run a Zync, set up the Zync Options for the layout you just integrated.
Testing your first zync. That's it... time to play. Here's how.
Going Further
Now that the sync is working..
Add the zync buttons from our example file to your mobile file.
Copy and paste the sync buttons from our WorxMobile example files to yours. Modify the script parameter as needed. Learn more about these scripts and the parameters they accept here:Â Zync It.
Closing files afters sync: important
While you were testing GoZync was leaving your hosted files open after each sync. That's convenient but your mobile users will only like that if they're syncing in areas of very high network availability: you'll likely want to close the files after each sync instead.
Open the "Finish Sync" script in GoZyncMobile and change the "1=0" you see towards the end of the script to "1=1" to make sure the files are closed after sync: then add the name of your hosted file in the "Close File" step.
Getting the files to your users: uploading your file for distribution.
Once you're done with your mobile file – or done for now – learn about how GoZync can help with distributing mobile files.
Triggering Syncs from Related Records in your mobile file.
If your mobile file has related records (like an invoice has line items), then you need to make an extra change to your file to ensure that if only a line item is modified, GoZync still sees the parent record as modified and thus ready to Zync. More here:Â triggering syncs